We provide state certified training programs to all levels of government law enforcement. With over 25 years of experience and reputation as a trainer and curriculum developer, we can efficiently deliver existing programs or develop impactful, customized curriculum based training to meet your specific needs. A sample of our existing, state certified programs includes:
Dignitary Protection for Law Enforcement
Physical Surveillance for Law Enforcement
Physical Security for Government Facilities
Protective Intelligence for Law Enforcement
Trauma Shock Management - Train the Trainer
Tactical Behavioral Detection and Intervention
Law Enforcement Policy Development
Legal Updates
Criminal Patrol Legal Update
Search and Seizure for Law Enforcement
Electronic Criminal Surveillance Officer – Legal
Firearms and Use of Force
Defensive and Arrest Tactics
Civilian Response to Active Threat (Law Enforcement Trainer)
We provide an array of courses designed specifically for non-law enforcement professionals. These courses are designed to teach practical life skills such as life sustaining measures and defensive tactics. Some of our current offering are:
Civilian Response to Active Threat end User (Life, Workplace and Education settings)
Executive Protection
Comprehensive Program (Intermediate / Advanced)
Security Driver
Protective Intelligence
Investigative Skills Development
Surveillance for Private Investigation
Defensive Tactics
Stop the Bleed and Trauma Management
Contact us to discuss customized curriculum and delivery options to meet your specific needs
A Sample of Past Classes